Dr. Christian Reitwiessner
@ethchris github.com/chriseth chris@ethereum.org
Dr. Yoichi Hirai
@pirapira github.com/pirapira yoichi@ethereum.org
ÐΞVCON2 - Shanghai - 2016-09-20
Example (shortened):
contract Token {
mapping(address => uint) balances;
function transfer(address from, address to, uint amount) {
if (balances[from] >= amount) {
balances[from] -= amount;
balances[to] += amount
Testing would probably not find an error here (do you?).
Formal verification uses techniques to "test" a program on
all possible inputs and states.
Example: Is the sum of all balances unchanged by transfer()
Many big names are already in the field.
Blockchains are a paradise for formal verification
(Yoichi will tell why).
Write program in existing language and annotate with pre- and postconditions.
Program is compiled into language that understands these conditions
(often why3), automated prover verifies conditions.
/*@ requires 1 < num_candidates && num_candidates < MAX_CANDIDATES;
assigns \nothing;
ensures \result >= 1 && \result < num_candidates;
ensures \forall integer i;
1 <= i < num_candidates ==> counters[\result] >= counters[i];
int compute_winner(void) {
int i, winner = 1; /* "No vote" is NOT taken into account */
/*@ loop invariant 2 <= i && i < MAX_CANDIDATES;
loop invariant \forall integer j;
1 <= j < i ==> counters[winner] >= counters[j];
loop invariant winner >= 1 && winner < num_candidates;
for (i = 2; i < num_candidates; i++)
if (counters[i] > counters[winner]) winner = i;
return winner;
This code is verified to maintain the total balance of tokens:
/// @why3 contract-prelude constant total : int
/// @why3 contract-prelude axiom total_small : total <= max_uint256
/// @why3 contract-account invariant { sum #balance = total }
contract Token {
mapping (address => uint256) balance;
function transfer(address _from, address _to, uint256 _val) {
if (balance[_from] < _val) throw;
balance[_from] = balance[_from] - _val;
/// @why3 here assert { sum #balance = total - to_int !(__val) };
/// @why3 here assert { to_int #balance[_to] <= sum #balance };
balance[_to] = balance[_to] + _val;
/// @why3 here assert { sum #balance = (total - to_int _val) + to_int _val};
assuming the total is less than 2256.
Logical proofs are based on computation ...jobs? | Univ. Tokyo |
Bring formal methods to the industry...source code? | Research institute in Japan |
Formal methods for OS kernels ...shorter specs? U.S. company |
Verify smart contracts! | Ethereum DEV |
In comparison to C, we are lucky: no concurrency, simple VM, simple programs, simple language.